Rumors horrendous has emerged recently from one of the leading bloggers, who said that Nokia plans to make phones with the Windows operating system Phone 7. Really?
Nokia reportedly preparing a new product line for dipasarakn next year and one of them is a product of Nokia phones that will use the Windows operating system Phone 7.
The move follows talks between the two companies, led by chief executive Stephen Elop Nokia, the former head of Microsoft’s business. Elop joined Nokia in September this year with a brief to improve the lot of the giant mobile phone manufacturer based in Finland.
This news was first disclosed by a blogger named Eldar Murtzain gadgets that have a site Mobile Review based in Russia. He said Elop has started talks with Microsoft, about “creating a line of phones with operating system Windows 7 Phone Nokia brand.”
Currently, the Nokia smartphone is already known as a mobile phone powered by Symbian operating system, the company is attempting to seize hard amid increasingly competitive mobile market with Android and Apple’s IOS, while Nokia mobile phone devices with OS Meego promised by Nokia yet no certainty about ketersediaanya .
Not only Nokia, but Microsoft have just launched the Windows OS 7 Phone also faces huge challenges in trying to grab market share from Apple and Android at this time.
With the agreement is expected to present a variety of Nokia smartphones and Microsoft Windows 7 Phone varied for users to choose the smartphone in the future.